Round House series IV: Decoding the Circle

Image by Jakob Braun and Dan Schiumarini via Unsplash – edited by M.K. Altena.

Like an ever-turning caroussel, rumours around the Round House keep on surfacing and resurfacing – on the internet, in regional newspapers, in books written by researchers and gatekeepers, and also in my mind. It has been three full years since I published three blogs on this mysterious Dutch mansion from the beginning of the 20th Century, yet the subject still has my fascination.

The Round House – postcard

What could be the reason for my ongoing interest in that subject? Is it because my research into the Round House didn’t only lead me to learning about a random, oddly shaped building that’s surrounded by controversy, but also about its builder and owner, the darkly inclined Frank van Vloten and his extended family? Or was it for the discovery of the Van Vlotens’ links to Germanic paganism, the racist and occultic Germanic Order and various testimonies of people who witnessed Satanic rituals at the Round House estate? And then there was the undeniable connotation with that enigmatic Dutch TV-series of the eighties, De Zevensprong. For the full scope on this, read the previous blogs in this series:

Anyhow, the story of the Round House is larger than the Netherlands – much larger. Its roots reach deep into Europe and even beyond our continent. That is why in this blog I will start out by crossing the Dutch border, into Germany. Because that’s where the next phase of my research brought me. But before I do so, I have to warn you: we’re in for a wild ride. The discoveries that I’m making are so overwhelming, that I’ve been struggling to keep oversight, archive my findings and find the words to describe them in a comprehensible way. Mind you, I am not a scientist. I’m not a historian. I’m just on a journey, connecting dots and building bridges between the things I’m learning, trying to make sense of connections that I’ve never seen mentioned before. This is why I decided to simply take you along on my voyage of discovery, from where it began, all the way to where we will find ourselves – no matter where that is. I hope you’ll feel the same exitement that I have time after time, when I’m digging up and making sense of new treasures. So here we go…

Image by Suhash Villuri via Unsplash.

My research for this blog was catalyzed by an unlikely paradox. The two subjects that I knew and wrote the least about in my previous blogs became my very starting point: The Varus Battle and the Mythstee. They are the direct link between the Round House and the first stop we will make on our journey. Let’s start with the Varus Battle, also known as The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (4). This was a major battle between Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire that took place somewhere near Kalkriese in Germany, in the year 9 AD. The Germans, lead by Hermann der Czerusker (also called Armin the Czeruscian), won this battle because at a certain point in his life he had acquired Roman citizenship and had received a Roman military education. This enabled him to deceive Roman commander Publius Quinctilius Varus methodically and anticipate the Roman army’s tactical responses. The Germanic victory literally stopped the Roman Empire from expanding its rule on the east side of river Rhine and up until present day, it’s a feat of great importance for Germany.

The Varus Battle – Painting by Wilhelm Lindenschmit

And the defeat of the Romans on that ancient Germanic battle field takes us to a most unlikely location: the Mythstee in what now is the central part of the Netherlands. It’s the very place where a handful of soldiers of the Roman armies were sacrificed to Woden (Odin)! They had managed to escape from the battlefield and had made their way to the West, only to be caught by the Teutons and brought to their end at this open-air ritual site in the Veluwe woodlands.

This obscure piece of history was one of the two reasons why Frank van Vloten chose the Mythstee, due south of Nunspeet, as the place for his building project , the Round House. You can read more about that in this chapter of my third blog, RHs III – Strategic Location. Some people appear to value certain locations and act upon those feelings by obtaining and (re-)cultivating them. We know that the second motivation for Van Vloten to buy this piece of land was, that it allegedly was a power place – a crossing of a number of ley lines. According to the pan-Germanic ultra-nationalist Alldeutscher Verband (the Pan-German League) (5)  two of those ley lines were ancient, Germanic ‘holy lines’. They were relatively powerful, they reached far into Europe, and the Pan-German League was intending to restore and revive them. Later in this blog, I will get back to this subject.

Another place in Europe was also chosen deliberately for its connotation with the historical site of the Varus Battle: Castle the Wewelsburg close to Büren in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. Between the moment of publishing my third Round House-blog and today, I have talked with two survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) about this castle.

Aerial image of the Wewelsburg (view from the northeast towards the soutwest) – Image from the website Europe Remembers. Click on image to go to the website.

These survivors testified of abuse during rituals in the Wewelsburg, but they also pointed at its history and the links it appears to have with dark individuals like Michael Aquino and Heinrich Himmler.

The Wewelsburg – Image by Marion Altena

Aquino (6) was an American military intelligence officer specializing in psychological warfare and a notorious Satanist. He was the founder of the Temple of Seth. In 2021 I had already read some things about Aquino, but my knowledge about Heinrich Himmler was still very basic. I only knew this much: Himmler (1900-1945) (7) was a German Nazi who was in charge of the Wewelsburg between 1933 and 1945. He was the Reich Leader (Reichsführer) of the most dreaded SS (8) of the Nazi Party from 1929 until the end of World War II in 1945. 

However, soon after hearing of these two individuals and their link to the Wewelsburg Castle, I left that specific subject for what it was. It simply wasn’t the direction I though my research was supposed to go.

In the following 2.5 years many things have happened. The world has changed at a dazzling speed, much what used to be concealed has come out now, and more than ever before, I can see through the complexity of what is done in secret. For those who know how to read between the lines, not a lot remains hidden, nowadays.

Wewelsburg Crypt in the North Tower. Image by Bahnfreund. Click on Image for CC licence.

So here I was at the beginning of 2024, with on my mind those two SRA survivors. As the weeks progressed, their testimonies were joined by the life stories of four more survivors who all witnessed of horrible abuse, ritual abortion and even human hunting in and around the Wewelsburg. Since the Netherlands is so close to Germany, I had once seen the castle myself – I knew what it looked like inside, I have felt its ‘dark and confusing vibe’. And then there was this video (9) of Michael Aquino, in which he did not only tell about a black magick ritual he had performed in the Crypt of the North Tower, but also boasted about having obtained Heinrich Himmler’s very own dagger with inscriptions for ritual purposes!

Talking about the Nazis… it’s interesting to see how the Wewelsburg ended up in their hands, because the reasoning behind Himmler’s choice for this location was similar to Frank van Vloten’s motivations when he decided to purchase the plot around the Mythstee to build his Round House. In 1933, Himmler was looking for a castle retreat ‘in the heartlands of Hermann der Cherusker’. Initially his focus was on Burg Schwalenberg, but when the negotians failed, he decided to take a look at the Wewelsburg after receiving a tip from a local Nazi leader. Also in this case negotiations were difficult, but in 1934, Himmler managed to arrange a 100-year lease of the castle for one symbolic Deutschmark per year. He couldn’t have had it more symbolic: the Wewelsburg was situated in the same region as the historical site of the Varus Battle and the impressive tribute to the hero of that battle – the Hermannsdenkmal (10). Also the mysterious rock formations of the Externsteine (11) were closeby – all places of esoteric and historical significance. For more information about the history of the Wewelsburg, I recommend you to go to the website of its museum (12).

Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS.

Okay. So now Heinrich Himmler had his castle. But what did he do with it? Well, to begin with, he wanted it to become a leadership school for the SS, where unified teaching about the Nazi ideology was ensured. A so-called Ordensburg. However, through the following years the infrastructure of the building never ended up resembling an ‘academy’ with big class rooms. It rather turned into a gathering of smaller cells for private study, where basic pseudo-scientific research was conducted in the fields of Germanic pre- and early history, medieval history, genealogy and folklore. All those fields of science were utilized to serve one central purpose: the development of the racial ideology of the SS. Hence, a scientific library was established, but also a photographic laboratory with an archive. An auditorium was built alongside a canteen kitchen, a dining room and guest rooms. Of course, Himmler also had his office in the castle. The sum of these rooms in this centuries old stronghold became the very place from where an ideological monster of unprecedented proportions were to grow… The Wewelsburg was destined to become the Ideological Center of the World for the Nazis.

When looking into the (pseudo-) scientific and philosophical theories of the Nazis and the SS, I stumbled upon a number of topics:

  • Nordic Paganism
  • The Germanic Order and the Thule Society
  • The Teutonic Order
  • Areosophy and Armanism
  • Theosophy and Madame Blavatsky
  • Hermeticism
  • Kabbalah
  • Occult Christian Mysticism
  • Knights Templars
  • Black Magick
  • Ley Lines
  • Alchemy
  • Medievel Masonic Guilds
  • Runes
  • The Holy Grail
  • The Spear of Destiny
  • Atlantis

You can see traces of these subjects in the Wewelsburg 1933 – 1945 Memorial Museum (13).

Many of the people around Hitler were involved or interested in the occult in one way or another. To mention only a few of them: Dietrich Eckart (according to Hitler, the spiritual co-founder of Nazism), Alfred Rosenberg (Hitler’s chief ideologist) and Rudolf Hess (destined to become Hitler’s second man). The three of them were members of the Thule Society, which was founded by practicing occultist Rudolf von Sebottendorf after the organizational model of Freemasonry. And then suddenly we come upon this interesting detail that brings us right back to the Round House: its owner Frank van Vloten was a member of the Freya Bond of Men, as you can read in the previous Round House-blog. And guess what? That little society was part of the Germanic Order, which was the exact organization that the Thule Society emerged from!

SS Ring of Honor, a.k.a. the Totenkopfring. Image: courtesy of Fritz Bauer.

Another significant person in the development of the Wewelsburg was Karl Maria Wiligut (14). He was considered to be one of the biggest occultists of the Nazis and became the spiritual adviser for the SS. Wiligut was the designer of the ring of honor for the SS, the so-called Totenkopfring, and much of the occultic symbolism that he came up with was used within the castle for ceremonial purposes and pseudo-religious practice.

Karl Maria Wiligut, also called ‘Himmler’s Rasputin’.

It was Wiligut who introduced and promoted Irminism (15) into Nazi circles, according to him ‘the true German ancestral religion.’ His influence on some high ranking officers was so strong, that he ended up performing an Irministic baptism in the Wewelsburg, on the son of Karl Wolff, the chief adjutant of the SS. A few years later though, that same adjutant reported him to the SS leadership. A part of Karl Maria Wiligut’s past had unexpectedly been found out: years before his flash career in the SS, in 1924, he had been arrested and admitted to a mental institution for three years, for bringing destitution to his wife and children (violent threats and abuse of his wife). His obsession with occultism had gone so far that he was diagnosed with schizofrenia and megalomania. This aspect of Wiligut’s past caused him to be discreetly laid off – his ‘application’ for retirement was ‘accepted’ in 1939.

You may wonder why I’m sharing so much about this particular person. Well, that is because Wiligut had a lot of influence on the building plans around the Wewelsburg. Since the castle was meant to become the ‘Center of the World’, the Nazis were thinking ‘big’, very ‘big’. Take a look at this model of what Wiligut had in mind. Can you see how small the castle is, smack in the center of it? Knowing that Wewelsburg village is situated right around the castle, you can imagine what was going to happen to its villagers and their houses…

Model of the Nazi plans for the Wewelsburg. Photo taken at the Wewelsburg 1933-1945 Memorial Museum by Fritz Bauer.

And then look at the layout…. concentric circles with a pointy shape that comes from the right, cutting straight through the circles, ending up in the middle with the tip of its blade in the North Tower. Why the unusual design? What motivated Wiligut to develop something like this?

The way the map of the Nazi-plans for the Wewelsburg is usually displayed.

Let’s have a look at the Wewelsburg map, as usually presented. Do you notice anything unusual? No? I didn’t either, initially. Until I zoomed in on the compass rose on the top right. The map isn’t alligned in the right way – the North Tower of the castle is pointing towards the West. I then rotated the map:

Realistic positioning of the Wewelsburg, with the North Tower roughly pointing towards the North.

There could very well be no reason whatsoever for this twisted display of the Wewelsburg map, but I couldn’t help myself – it piqued my curiosity. I wondered if the combination of the concentric circles and the spear or arrow shape in the layout of these Nazi-plans had any significance. Someone I know, an SRA survivor, provided an explanation: the circles combined with a pointy shape is, in some cases, connected to Templars orders. When you see these elements in old architecture or city planning, you may expect to find a holding place for treasures and ammunition! Two clear examples of that are Vatican City and Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.

To me, this theory only created more question marks. Because, let’s be fair, the extention plans for the Wewelsburg were from the late thirties of the 20th Century, and the Knights Templars were a thing of the Middle Ages. Of course, in the back of my mind I knew that the official narrative about the early 14th Century abolishment of the Templars was direly nonsensical. I mean – even nowadays there are various Sovereign Military orders with their cosmetic front apparance and their secretive behind-the-scenes activities, but still… how was I supposed to filter the truth out of this swamp that contained both the official historical narrative and the scarse eye witness reports that kept on reaching me from both the U.S.A. and Europe?

Thankfully, as you can see in the above pictures, the entirety of the Truth cannot be hidden to those who have chosen to open their eyes. This still photo from the movie The Sound of Freedom (fair use for research and education) shows that actor Jim Caviezel wears a necklace with the Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. I came across that same Grand Cross when I took some pictures of a procession in Warsaw, Poland, in June, 2015. And on the right, you can see an image of the coat of arms of this sovereign military (Templars) order (made by Mathieu Chaine – used with permission under CC.)

Obergruppenführersaal with the Black Sun mosaic in the North Tower of the Wewelsburg. Fair use for research and education – image by SilverFrost5549.

So my research did not bleed to death with that bit of cognitive dissonance. It rather encouraged me to go further, investigating. And believe me, I didn’t need to dig that deep: there were several connections between the Nazis in the Wewelsburg and everything ‘Templars’. First, I found out that right after the war ended, the Allied Forces found a round table in the Obergruppenführersaal (Chamber of Generals). It was the Round Table that Himmler had built for his twelve Black Knights after the model of King Arthur’s table (16). They were modern-day Templars, Himmler’s most trusted SS-dignitaries, with the task of spreading Nazi neo-pagan ideology around the world. Himmler called himself the ‘Grand Master of the Teutonic Order of Knights’, which indicated that he was an admirer of the medieval Teutonic Order (17). He did not only want to revive the esoteric ideas behind this order, but also adopt much of its military knowledge. It’s not for nothing that the colors of the SS were black and white.

Cross of the Teutonic Order of Knights.

And not to forget, there also was Karl Maria Wiligut, who had been corresponding with some of his admirers, who happened to be members of the Order of the New Templars (18)…

Image by Matt Briney via Unsplash.

Now before I continue, I need to make a disclaimer. The links with the background information that I provide in this blog (for instance, link #17 about the Teutonic Order) all shine their own light on mentioned subjects. But there is one thing I learned fast during this investigation, and that is that a lot of falsification of history has taken place through the centuries. And especially when it comes to the occultic tendencies of the Nazis, there is a meriad of ‘debunking’ books and websites that are functioning as bringers of confusion regarding the sense & nonsense of this subject. So, although I encourage you to click on the links I’m providing, I want you to keep in mind that my sharing these links does not necessarily mean that I’m endorsing them or agreeing with them for the full hundred percent. The links are either interesting for the information they provide, or because they display the unique views of the website owner. The latter will give you a look into the ‘insight of the insiders’. Yet, only ongoing research, endlessly comparing information from different sources, and above all, the words in 1 John 4:1-6 about the Discernment of Spirits have given me the feeling that it is possible to distill the Truth from the troubled concoction of facts and fantasy that is offered as a drink to all who dare to research.

The business of the falsification of history (and science) was a specialty of the so-called Ahnenerbe (Ancetral Heritage) (19), a pseudo-scientific organization of the SS, that had the task of promoting the racial doctrines of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Various scientists, like archeologists, historians, anthropologists, and scolars of the occult went on far travels, dug into archives and even unearthed German soil to ‘prove’ that the German people descended from the Aryans, that the Aryan race was the oldest race in the world and that it was superior to any other race.

As we know, the Nazis’ bending of history & science to one’s own will also reached into mysticism. It’s probably not a surprise to you when I tell you about Hitler’s fascination for the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny. Wait. What? A spear? Like the spear-shape that we saw in the model and the map of the extension plans for the Wewelsburg?

The Spear of Destiny.

Oh yes. That’s exactly where this architectural twist was taken from: the Spear of Destiny (20). It’s an artefact that is believed to be the very spear that Jesus was stabbed with when He was dying on the cross. Because the tip of this weapon (also called the Lance of Longinus) was covered in His holy blood, it was believed to contain special powers that gave its owner the ability to rule over the entire world. Of course, Hitler confiscated the artifact from the Hofburg Museum in Vienna as soon as he came to power. He brought it to Neurenberg in ‘his own’ Germany, where it remained until 1946. Paul Roland wrote about the Spear of Destiny in his book ‘Nazis and the Occult’: “Hitler is said to have been privileged to the realization that the spear was a portal (spiritual gate) between the worlds of spirit and matter.” Makes you think, huh? Could this piece of centuries old metal actually be a portal?

Now that we have established that the pointy shape cutting from the right into the concentric circles of the extended Wewelsburg is derived from the Spear of Destiny, we can move on to the circular forms in the planological design. The above photos look quite alike, don’t they? It’s the Nazi megalomania that sprouted from the head of Karl Maria Wiligut, and on the right we see a depiction of… ATLANTIS!! My Lord, how thankful I am for paying attention to that Still, Small Voice that had prompted me to look for images of that mysterious city! It felt like such a breakthrough when I came across its layout in the search results.

Atlantis – Science ABC. Fair use of image for research and education.

Atlantis, the mythical sunken island-state. The city that became so well-known thanks to Plato’s descriptions in the Timaeus and Criteas-dialogs (ca. 360 BC). The place of seemingly infinite knowledge, high standing politics and unprecedented technology, situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and built up from concentric circles with moats, harbors and a temple dedicated to Poseidon in its very center. Plato wrote about Atlantis after years of repeatedly hearing out his grandfather (who had heard about it from a politician) and meticulously memorizing every detail he could get out of him. Here’s his very first description of Atlantis, in his dialog Timaeus:

The story that Plato wrote was meant as an allegory, in which the dramatic flooding and destruction of Atlantis was a symbolic warning directed at the people of Athens. The apparent reason for Atlantis’ demise was the pride and megalomania of its citizens, something he also saw as a dark cloud hanging over the city of Athens, that was once (unsuccessfully) attacked by the Atlantheans. Of course the Nazis gave the Platonian dialogs about this city a convenient twist. In order to insert the Aryans into the myth, they claimed that Atlantis was in reality the North Atlantic island civilization of Thule, and that the original Aryans came from that island. After the flood, some of them escaped to higher grounds, ending up in various places, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Central Asia, Bolivia and the Tibetan Himalayas. This is how they, among other things, came up with the link between the Nordic people and the Tibetans. Alfred Rosenberg, the chief Nazis ideologue, claimed that the ancient Aryans from norhtwest India and Persia had founded all great civilizations. But their race fell into decline when they started to inter-marry with people from ‘lesser’ races. Also Judeo-Christianity was blamed for the fact that the Aryans slowly but surely lost their ‘super-human powers’. It’s not hard to conclude after this, that to Hitler and his followers, it all boiled down to recreating the Aryan Superhuman, the so-called pure blooded Herrenmensch, through eugenics and God-knows-what-else.

Neoclassical sculpture named Die Partei, by Arno Breker, 1939.

It would take us too far astray at this stage, if we’d go much deeper into this subject, but there are some key terms that you can look into – theories, individuals and societies that had a great influence on the Nazi theories on Atlantis:

  • Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy (21)
  • Armanism and Ariosophy (22)
  • Germanenorden (Germanic Order) (23)
  • Thule Society (24)

It was high time for me to leave the Wewelsburg and ask myself whether the circular theme of Atlantis could be found elsewhere in architecture. The Atlantis House (25) was the first and immediate answer to my question. This structure of 1931 in the German city of Bremen, was designed by sculptor and architect Bernhard Hoetger (1874–1949) on the basis of ideas from Ludwig Roselius (a German coffee tycoon), and Dutch-born scholar Herman Wirth (co-founder of the Ahnenerbe), who was specialized in German ancestral heritage. The Atlantis House was intended to combine an institute for the study of the ancient island civilisation, complete with a lecture theatre, reading room, exhibition space and club lounges. 

The Atlantis House in Bremen. Fair use of image by Stickelmann, for research and education.

The front of the Atlantis House had a huge wooden sculpture that represented Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life from Norse Mythology, with a figure hanging from a cross that was meant to be a fusion of Jesus and the Norse god Woden/Odin. The Nazis were not happy with that depiction, probably because they hated Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. The building was bombed in the War and the sculpture was destroyed together with the building and not restored. However, the Atlantis House was constructed again, and is now a luxury hotel. What first was the infamous Tree of Life with ‘a bit too much Jesus’ on it, has become a rather neutral looking mosaic integrated into the front of the building, showing the layout of the city of Atlantis, with its concentric circles.

Norse mythology (26) was one of many fascinations and focus points of the Nazis. For instance, there is the concept of Yggdrasil (27), the Tree of Life (or World Tree) – a huge ash tree that housed the nine worlds of the Norse gods, demi-gods, people and other entities… and the story about Odin, hanging from that Tree of Life, hoping for insight in the Runes, as depicted in the sculpture at the front of the Atlantis House.

The present-day Atlantis House. Click on the image for a short
video of the Smithsonian Channel on this subject.

Odin knew that the ancient Rune alphabet was not just a set of letters. They held an almost incomprehensable magical force that could influence all nine worlds, and he wanted that. Only the three Norns who lived by the Well of Urd underneath the tree were privy to the understanding and wielding of the Runes at that point, so Odin had to give a lot in order to obtain what the Norns had. He decided to bring a sacrifice by hanging himself from a branch of the tree. For nine long days he waited in agony, and at the moment he was about to die, the secret knowledge of the Runes was finally revealed to him.

A strange restlessness came over me when I thought about those Norns. According to Norse mythology, they are the three female figures in whose hands lay the fate of all beings, both humans and gods. Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, has three roots that reach into three wells, which each have a spiritual gate (portal) to different locations far away. The Norns sit around one of those three wells, the Well of Urd (meaning: the Well of Destiny), nourishing the tree with its water. They either weave people’s fate, or carve runes about their destiny in the roots of the tree.

The Well of Destiny with the three Norns – Assassins Creed Fandom Wiki. Fair use for research and education. Click on image to go to the website.

The above image from Assassin’s Creed Wiki is the exact reflection of what I was feeling: eeriness and gloom, because – you know? I was starting to recognize some things from real life: parts of the testimonies of the SRA survivors that I had heard.

Wewelsburg Crypt TFP via the Taipei Times. Fair use for research and education. The twelve small pedistles are used by high priests and priestesses – they are positioned on it during rituals.

On the lower floor of the Wewelsburg’s North Tower is the so-called Crypt. Survivors who have started to open up are telling that the Crypt was the place in the castle where the Satanic rituals took place. They also say that it’s a spiritual gate – something that was actually confirmed by Michael Aquino, when he wrote a report of his Wewelsburg Working (28), which was a downright black magick ritual. Aquino concluded his report with these words: “After 18 years the Key has been forged in the Word of Set, and the gate of the Wewelsburg is opened.”

So there is a portal in the Wewelsburg Crypt. And according to SRA survivors, it has direct links to various places elsewhere in the world – among which, the Valhalla Deep Underground Military Basis (DUMB) in Kansas, the Asgard DUMB underneath Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming (which is said to be a mirror to the Wewelsburg), and at least one undisclosed location.

A Crypt, providing access to other places far away… this sure looked a lot like the Norse Tree of Life with its three roots and three wells and their portals to locations elsewhere! But could that mean that the Wewelsburg also had a well somewhere? I decided to take a gamble and asked one of the SRA survivors whether the Luciferians had ever referred to the cistern in the Crypt as the Well of Destiny… and BINGO: they indeed appear to use that name! And then a gruesome testimony came to the surface, of Satanic rituals, and how the cistern was filled with either water or blood, and… well, as some of you may know: those two fluids can function as a spiritual gate, bringing people and demons to different places or dimensions.

Extension plans of the Nazis for the Wewelsburg. Photo by Fritz Bauer.

The country bordering Germany in the West is the Netherlands. As we know by now, the spear shape in the dreamed expansion of the Wewelsburg points towards the West in many wrongfully positioned pictures of its map, and when turned in the right direction, it still points towards a part of the Netherlands. It made me wonder… was there, apart from the Round House in Nunspeet, something similar in architecture or city/landscape planning that I could find in my own country? A combination of concentric circles and a spear or an arrow? The thing that came closest was not a historical site, but rather a dream for the future: a megalomaniac plan for the entire country, called TristateCity!!

Paper on TristateCity by Wageningen University & Research. Click on image to go to the website.

TristateCity (29) is a plan of a Dutch urban innovator to put the Netherlands back on the worldwide economical map. He wants the entire country of the Netherlands, the North Rhine Westphalia region in Germany (yes, the very region where the Wewelsburg is situated!) and the Flanders region of Belgium to become one huge ‘green’ city, a world leading economical center, with a whopping 30 million citizens. There is some confusion about the way we’re supposed to read that number. It could be the amount of citizens of all three of the involved regions/countries together, or only of the Netherlands. Still, knowing that the Netherlands is only half the size of South Carolina, and currently has 18 million people already… it causes unrest among people. Anyway, the designer of TristateCity has the full support of the VNO-NCW, the biggest business organization of our country, and also the government has given positive feedback to his plans. The people of the Netherlands, though, are not that enthousiastic. The fact that the urban innovator found his inspiration for TristateCity in China doesn’t speak for him. There is talk of ‘smart cities’ and ’15-minute-cities’, the Dutch farmers are being expropriated as we speak… need I say more? The pushback of the people was so strong, that the innovator felt forced to almost entirely empty his website (30) and disable the contact page. Nonetheless, the home page still contains clear indications that this plan is directly connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (31).

Scroll back up a little. Take a look at the pattern on the TristateCity image and tell me if you’re able to unsee the circular theme that we also saw in the extention plans for the Wewelsburg, and on the new front-mosaic of the Atlantis House… concentric and interconnected round shapes. I for sure couldn’t, although I was still searching for possible arrow/spear shapes. in the Dutch landscape. Of course there were the centuries-old fortified towns that dotted the land, the so-called star forts. But they didn’t seem to have a correlation with the all-encompassing spider-web that compiled TristateCity…

Star fort Bourtange, the Netherlands – image from Google Earth.

Maybe I was to look at the placement of Tristate City? Its layout is centered around the Green Heart of the Netherlands, which once was planned as an industry-free area surrounded by the biggest cities, i.e. Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and The Hague. Something told me to zoom into the last of those four cities: The Hague (Den Haag).

And there I found it: the Kneuterdijk Palace (32) with its French Garden! Do you see the spear-shaped form in the green garden beds, and how the vestibule (entry hall) of the palace has a dome on top, that could very well be seen as the tip of a spear? It’s situated right next to the Noordeinde Palace (33) (King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima’s official workplace) and the Indigo Hotel, which originally was a building of the Dutch National Bank (34). Not a lot of imagination is needed to see the combination of those three buildings as a holding place for ‘treasures’… at the very least!

When Kneuterdijk Palace was built in 1716 in the Louis XIV style by architect Daniel Marot, it was property of Count Johan Hendrik van Wassenaer-Obdam. The palace remained in the count’s family until it was sold to King William I in 1816. It is now home to the Council of State, the highest general administrative court of the Netherlands. So to be clear about the spear shape that I found: on the above pictures, you can see that the shaft of the spear is an elongated, rectangular lawn in the middle of the French Garden. The blade is depicted by two diagonally situated grass beds in the corner of the garden that’s bordering the palace, and then the tip ends where the vestibule is situated. I wondered… was there a specific direction that this spear was pointing at? Could that possibly be one of the places that are part of the plans for TristateCity? Out of curiousity, I decided to draw a straight line from the tip of the spear at the Kneuterdijk Palace. Leaving the city of The Hague (Den Haag) in the very west of the Netherlands, the line cut right through Belgium and then came back into the Netherlands, ending up in…

Maastricht, in the southeasternmost part of the country! And indeed, Maastricht was one of the TristateCity hotspots! So my immediate question was whether there were links there to be found with the Knights Templars… After all, I knew that Maastricht is of huge importance as it comes to relics and church treasures. In the center of town is the Basilica of Saint Servatius (35), the oldest church that’s still in existence in our country. Church treasures, relics… they all can be found in this basilica – it’s the church with the richest treasures of Europe, even after the losses it suffered from Napoleon’s depredations during the French Time. Strangely enough though, there were hardly any traces in this city of activities of the Templar Orders of Jerusalem, Malta or Saint John.

Nieuwe Biesen Teutonic Order Commandery of Maastricht – SAMSUNG CSC

Instead, I found something that was a huge surprise to me: the Teutonic Order used to have a commandery – the Nieuwe Biesen Commandery – in Maastricht, and that immediately brought me back to the city where I started out: The Hague. Now brace yourself, because I’m going to show you a sequence of facts that will blow your mind:

Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer Obdam – click on the image to find out what secret ‘passion’ he had.
  • Count Johan Hendrik van Wassenaer-Obdam had the Kneuterdijk Palace built in The Hague in 1716.
  • Count Johan Hendrik was the older brother of Count Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer-Obdam.
  • In 1745, Unico Wilhelm moved to the Kneuterdijk Palace, after his brother Johan Hendrik died.
  • Count Unico Wilhelm was a politician, diplomat and a member of the Knighthood of the city of Utrecht and the province of Overijssel. He also was a Freemason.
  • In 1744 and 1745 he was sent on diplomatic missions to the French court and the court of German Price-Bishop Clemens August.
  • Clemens August was Archbishop and Elector of Cologne and Prince-Bishop of Munster, Paderborn, Osnabrück and Hildesheim, as well as ‘Hochmeister’ (Grand Master) of the Teutonic Order.
  • The German district of Paderborn was the very place where the Wewelsburg is situated.
  • The Nieuwe Biesen Commandery of the Teutonic Order in Maastricht was part of the Bailiwick Alden Biesen.
  • The Land Commander of Bailiwick Alden Biesen was present at a ceremony in Bonn, Germany, where two noblemen were elevated into knighthood within the Teutonic Order by Clemens August.
  • Also Count Unico Wilhelm was present at that ceremony. It left him deeply impressed and motivated him to become much more active within the Teutonic Order. He already was a Commander in the Bailiwick of Utrecht, but years later, he even made it to becoming a Land Commander.
  • A lid cup with the coat of arms of Clemens August is presently at display in the Wewelsburg Museum!
  • Remember how the Nazis of the Wewelsburg were fascinated with the Teutonic Order?
Lid cup of Clemens August – courtesy of Wewelsburg Museum – Click on picture to go to the website.

Connection, connections, connections! I was flabbergasted by these rather unlikely discoveries. Yet, I also realized that I needed to do my due diligence as a researcher. It was only logical to now try & find out when the French garden of the Kneuterdijk Palace was created. After all, that’s where I found that spear shape, that brought me all the way to Maastricht and the Teutonic Order and Germany. So I looked up the website of the palace and that’s where I hit a stone-hard wall: the garden, as we know it, was only created in the fifties of the 20th Century, and underwent a restoration in 2011. Although the symmetry, geometric forms and straight lines were modeled after the old French gardening concept, the spear shape I discovered was not really the kind of ancient ‘spear’ that my research had been about up till now. But why then did it open up such a treasure trove of intel? I couldn’t get away with simply saying that ‘everything is connected,’ could I?

Ley Lines/Landscape Temples in the Netherlands – – fair use for research and education.

I decided to take my focus back to Tristate City. There was this map that I once had seen on the internet. It was a map of the Netherlands with a spiderweb-like combination of dots and lines, representing ley lines and so-called power places. Didn’t the positioning of those dots and lines have similarities with TristateCity…? After a brief search I found the map in question on (36). It’s a website about ‘re-awakening the spiritual potential of the Netherland’. I managed to read through it, but strangely enough, the next day the website disappeared, and it has not come back online yet. I’m giving you the link, regardless. Hopefully the website will resurface at some point in time. The web master talks about ley lines, energy lines and power places. He states that centuries ago, the locations of many significant buildings, especially churches and monasteries, were chosen strategically, right on top of intersections of two or more ley or energy lines. Those intersections are called power places or ley nodes. Also other elements in the landscape can be found on those nodes or places: hunebeds, spiral hills, pyramids or natural landmarks, like for instance, mountain tops.

According to some SRA survivors, the origin of ley lines or other energy lines goes all the way back to Creation. It’s a bit hard to comprehend, but they explained to me that there is some kind of invisible, interdimensional grid of ‘conduits’, composed by frequency, sound and light. They were meant for storing water and run above the surface of the earth, but also below it. During the Deluge, these ‘holding places’ were opened by God, and huge amounts of water came down from heaven and welled up from the earth. Genesis 7:11-12 gives us an indication of what that must have looked like:

Interdimensional portal. Shutterstock.

After these ‘water conduits’ were emptied, they didn’t remain idle, and nowadays they are used as horizontal portals by people in the occult and the demons they host. I’ve mentioned portals several times before in this blog. They make it possible to those who are ‘in the know’ to travel from A to B in just an instant. On the one hand, you could think of the ley lines as an invisible hyperloop of sorts, but on the other hand, that is not how it feels when used. A simple, yet effective portrayel of this concept is found in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ of C.S. Lewis, a book that describes a wardrobe with a secret door that functions as a portal (or spiritual gate) between different dimensions.

Scene from the movie The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Click on image to go to the video.

You open the door, you step through it, and there you are, at your destination. Now there is a difference between ‘normal’ portals and spiritual gates. The former allow people to travel from A to B, where B can be a destination far away (according to some (former) witches, even other planets). The latter though – the spiritual gates – also allow access to different dimensions. Some of the gates go down into the lower spiritual realms and others go up into the higher, heavenly realms. There also are star gates, which are only facilitating travel within the third dimension (the one that we live in). What counts though for all of these gates and portals, is that some kind of key, song, token, hand gesture or body posture is needed to open them up. And above all, energy…

People who are into New Age and the esoteric mostly focus on the energy or vibration involved, when talking about ley lines and power places. They hardly ever talk in public about the travelling aspect of portals, and in the cases that it does reach a wider audience, it’s mostly presented as fiction in Hollywood movies and tv-series. So let’s have a look at that energy for a moment. It is a proven fact that there are (magnetic) energy flows underneath, on and above the surface of the earth, and it is my strong belief that ley lines and power places are indeed playing a major role in this. After all, many people have the experience of feeling good, happy and energized at certain locations, while they feel the opposite on other locations, without having a clear indication as to why…

Landscape Temples – Fair use for research and education.

Peter Dawkins’ website (37) describes that, too. But Dawkins goes further. He talks about the so-called landscape temples (38). They are power places that are connected to each other, due to ‘natural’ causes, or because people have done ‘energy work’ on location. A gathering of those interconnected places in the landscape is called a landscape temple. Peter Dawkins started to re-introduce this millennia-old concept around 1960. He doesn’t only explain, but also teach how to ‘re-energize’ these locations. According to his occultic beliefs, there are roughly two ways to do that: through ‘pilgrimage’ and through the celebration of ‘festivals’…

Hold that thought, because this is important.

At this point, there was an image (or vision) in my mind, that I could’t get rid of: a map of Europe, showing various power places with light beams coming out of the ground, pointing vertically into the sky. And guess what? Only a couple of hours after that image occurred in my mind, I found a discription of the same kind of light beams, pointing upwards to heaven, on the Dutch website And as I said, one day later the website went offline.

Dowsing with a divination rod.

Having read the above, it’s important to realize that we have to do with a powerful form of witchcraft. The bulk of the beliefs and practices I just described is called geomancy. This term comes from the Late Greek γεωμαντεία – geōmanteía, which literally means “earth divination”. Not only are geographic features, markings on the ground, or the patterns formed by soil, rocks or sand interpreted by means of dowsing with pendulums, divination rods or the likes. Also the flow and direction of the energy that’s involved is manipulated, and the positioning of buildings and layout of street patterns are used to harnass that energy. Geomancy is applied in gardening to detect well springs, and for finding the right spot to ensure the optimal growth of crops. It’s used in architecture and interior design (Feng Shui is the Chinese version of earth divination.) And believe it or not: geomancy is even used in geopolitics. In Britain the conquering Normans, like the Romans before them, employed geomancy to maintain their royal/imperial power, and the royal families and religious institutions of Europe and elsewhere have continued to employ geomancy to assert control and peace over countries.

Hey… didn’t I mention in chapter RHs III – Dutch Dignitaries of my third blog, that Round House owner Frank van Vloten had been attempting to strengthen the occultic grip over the Netherlands during the First World War, in favor of the Germans…?

Regardless of all my discoveries, I had to admit that I didn’t have much to go on. Because, how in the world was I going to connect the above mentioned concepts and thoughts to the plans for TristateCity? Did they have any relation to each other at all?

Smart Grid

Power Grid… Smart Grid… Do you notice how it’s all about a center, with around it that circle with all those connections, just like Tristate City?

Tristate City – copyright – fair use for research and education.

But wait a sec…! I suddenly noticed something that had not caught my eye before. Do you see what is written at the top of the above map? “Tristate Cities Cluster/Rhine River Delta – THE WORLD’S #1 URBAN POWER CENTER”. There we have it! POWER! ENERGY!

Let’s quickly go back to the circular shapes of Atlantis. Interconnected concentric circles around a significant central point, and smack in the middle of Atlantis, there was a temple attributed to the god Poseidon.

Image by Noah Buscher via Unsplash.

In his dialogs, Plato talked about mysterious crystals that were forming a power source enabling advanced forms of transportation. These crystals also provided power/energy to the society and even healing of ailments. And again, my mind’s eye couldn’t help but seeing those shiny beams coming up from some kind of power sources or hubs, pointing straight into the sky. Could they be energy beams? Or was there something spiritual involved – possibly something nefarious, even?

There is this place in France, that I remembered. Mont Saint-Michel. When I started researching this peculiar monastic island-town off the coast of Normandy, I wondered whether I would find any Templar connections. With its cone-shape and its spiraling street pattern, could Mont Saint-Michel be the kind of holding place for treasures and ammunition that the SRA survivor had talked about?

Mont Saint-Michel. Image by Tjibbe Kampstra via Shutterstock.

One of the first themes I stumbled upon in this search initially looked a bit far-fetched: the Ring of Power (round shapes, ring….) Dutch esoteric blogger Abe de Verteller focused on author J.R.R. Tolkien when writing about this strange, evil ring (39). As you know, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings (40). Through the decennia, much speculation has been made as to where Tolkien’s thoughts about ‘his’ ring originated. However, he himself categorically denied that the ring from his novels had anything to do with, for instance, Wagner’s opera Der Ring des Nibelungen (41), or King Salomon’s Ring, that gave the king the ability to summon demons. Tolkien actually kept things strangely superficial and vague when asked about it.

Strangely enough, there turned out to be a link to the story of The Lord of the Rings and our French island-town. When director Peter Jackson was making the films according to the book series, he used Mont Saint-Michel as a model for the city of Minas Tirith.

Mont Saint-Michel and Minas Tirith – – click on the image to go to the website.

The aerial view and the map even give a clearer picture:

Scetches from Tolkien prove that the combination of concentric circles and a pointy shape in the street plan of Minas Tirith is not only a quirk that the director of the film sequence came up with. So we can ask ourselves if the apparence of Mont Saint-Michel only was a source of inspiration for the film, or whether it also influenced the author of the books. The only thing I’m missing in the French island-town is a distinctive spear/sword shape in its layout…

Meanwhile, everything I found on Mont Saint-Michel was more intriguing than I could ever have comprehended. For instance, the original name of this little island was Mont Tombe (Mount Tomb), because it was believed to be the very place where dying people passed to ‘another world’. This means that there very well could be a spiritual gate on this island. With that in the back of my mind, it was no surprise to me when I found out that this island is sitting on an important Ley Line: the St. Michael’s Line (42). This line starts at Skellig Michael, a tiny isle off the coast of the southwesternmost part of Ireland, them touches St. Michael’s Mount off the coast of Cornwall, UK, and subsequently cuts right through France, Italy and Greece, only to end in Israel, at the Stella Maris Monastery of Mount Carmel. Another name for this ley line is the Sword of Saint Michael, and it connects many monasteries and other sacred places, all dedicated to the archangel. So there was our pointy shape, piercing the concentric circles of our French little island!

Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raffaello Sanzio.

It’s time for a remark. I personally don’t believe that the St. Michael that people are talking about is the archangel Michael. My doubts about the identity of this character were confirmed by the local legend that tells how St. Michael appeared in a dream of St. Aubert, the bishop of Avranches, in the year 708. He ordered St. Aubert to build a sanctuary in his name at the top of the island. Aubert refused to do so, because he believed that it was just a common dream. Then the angel visited him again, bringing the same message. Again, Aubert didn’t heed the call. The third time that St. Michael came, he pressed his finger so hard into the bishop’s forehead, that it literally burnt a hole right above his eyes. And that convinced Aubert. He built the sanctuary. You know – the thing is, that angels of the God of the Bible, including archangels, would never ask to be worshipped. They will always attribute praises of people to the Lord and tell them to not worship them, but Him, the Creator of all things.

So who is this St. Michael? You tell me. Many things have been written about him throughout the ages. Also the writer of this website (43) has a theory about his true identity, which I personally don’t agree with: at the very end of his blog, he suggests that St. Michael is the (fallen) angel Azazel, because, according to him, both of them are ‘earth bound’. Problem with that theory though, is that Azazel is chained together with three other fallen angels to the Euphrates river. Revelation in the Bible reports about them and their assigned role in the End Times, and the Book of Enoch mentions their names. This makes it impossible for Azazel to travel to and fro. He needs to delegate demons to do his ‘field work’. There is another theory about St. Michael’s true identity that sounds more logical to me: an entity that is sometimes identified as St. Michael is the ‘archangel’ Metatron (44). When reading that name, I immediately had the feeling that this was not going to be the only encounter I would have with him during my research…

Regardless of the Azazel-theory, that I think is flaud, I’m seeing much in the above mentioned blog as food for thought and interesting for the connections it has displayed. The blog also contains a legend about King Arthur and his Templars, coming to Mont Saint-Michel to slay a nefarious giant that lived there. Mind you, the blog writer is a modern Templar himself.

My thoughts wandered off to other places in Europe, again. To Windsor Castle near London:

And to Versailles near Paris. All those similar street patterns… circles, half circles and pointy shapes…

And have you ever noticed what the historical Veterans Hospital (Hôtel des Invalides) in Paris looks like, with its gardens and the streets leading to it?

Hôtel des Invalides, north view – image under Wikimedia Commons by Daniel Vorndran.

Interesting detail about Hôtel des Invalides: it houses the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte! Notice the circular solar theme around the tomb.

And then there was this obscure little hunting lodge on the southwestern skirts of Prague: Letohrádek Hvězda (The Star Summer Palace). I would never have known about this strangely shaped building if I had not roamed that city on several occasions to do research and location scouting for my novel The Rootless (45)!

The Star Summer Palace was built in 1555 by Ferdinand II (46), Archduke of Further Austria and Imperial Count of Tyrol, hardly a mile away from the famous Brevnov Monastery (47). Ferdinand of Tyrol was deeply into Neoplatonism and Hermeticism, and that reflected into the shape and interior of this project. Do you remember that, earlier in this blog, Hermet(ic)ism (48) was part of the long list of esoteric and occultic key words that the Nazis at the Wewelsburg associated themselves with?

Well, here is where things get interesting: when we look at the Wewelsburg, it technically complies to the description of a Templars’ holding place for treasures and ammunition’. Apart from the fact that many kinds of treasures were brought to this castle in the Thirties and during World War II, the Nazis used the North Tower as a storage place for the Totenkopf Rings of Honor of deceased members of the SS. And regarding the ammunition: it has been determined that Himmler kept a considerable collection of his guns in the Wewelburg. Now when we come back to the Star Summer Palace, these two Templar-conditions also apply, be it in a slightly different way: when the first brick of the foundation of the palace was laid, Ferdinand himself cemented a big handful of gold and silver coins and medals into the foundation. It has also been a storage for gun powder (18th Century)!

Wall around the forest around the Star Summer Palace – Obora Hvezda – with the gate at Bělohorská street.

The Star was officially built as a hunting lodge, and the forest around it was, and still is, totally confined by a wall with six or seven doors that mostly are open for the public, but can be closed at any given time.

There is more to The Star. The fact that its architecture is literally riddled with symbolism give us a strong indication that this building had an initiatory function, rather than being a simple lodge for game hunters. For instance, the cellar, the ground floor, the first floor and the upper room represent the elements of earth, water, air and fire and are an undeniable hint to Ferdinand’s affiliation with alchemy.

The Star, also a former star-fort? Image by Jan Simek via Wikimedia Commons.

The six pointed star-shape of the palace indicate the link to the cosmos (Hermeticism) and is a reference to the Solomonic hexagram (the Star of David), with the two equal, yet opposite triangles intertwined. There are numerological elements in the date when the first stone was laid and in the number of rooms in the building. Gods of the Pantheon of Antiquity are covering the ceiling of the ground floor, and the ceiling of the top floor has direct connotations with a pyramid. It’s overwhelming to see this all, even if you don’t know how to see through all the esoteric symbology… I myself clearly felt the mixed up ‘vibes’ of this place when I was walking around the premises. For instance, the people working there were all elderly. They were not very welcoming and every inquiry for more in-depth info was answered with a sharp-toned “no”. And believe me, this attitude far exceeded the kind of post-communistic lazy unwillingness that you’re often confronted with at average tourist sites in Prague. There was a deep-seated mistrust and gloom to the behavior of these elderly men and women… Looking back, I cannot help but seeing them as guardians of a place that most probably has a dark secret or two. Secrets that are protected by the smoke screen of tourism and the atmospheric classical concerts that are occasionally held in the upper room of this little palace. And then there is this: in the years between 2010 and 2015, I didn’t know as much about the occult as I do now, but I remember a young Prague citizen telling me back then, that there was some kind of connection between The Star and the immensely big Prague Castle in the center of the city – be it through a miles-long tunnel or a ley line. He also claimed that The Star Summer Palace was a portal to other worlds… now why doesn’t that surprise me?

The Star Summer Palace – Photohound. Click on the image to go to the website.

Anyway, this ‘connection’ to the Prague Castle intrigued me. I wouldn’t be able to find a map of that underground connection, for sure, but going on a search for clues above ground, in buildings or street patterns, was not an unlogical step to take. After all, a rich tradition in esotericism and especially alchemy had saturated many aspects of life in this centuries old city.

A few weeks later, I came across a hypothesis about Prague that slightly touched the theme I was researching: it turns out to be one of those cities in the world that are built on seven hills. A church was established on each of those Prague hills, and when you connect those locations to each other, you apparently get the shape of a Rosy Cross.

Rose Cross Lamen – image by Fuzzypeg via Wikimedia Commons.

Problem is though, that I only read about it on one single website. I should research this hypothesis further, but have not done that yet. That’s why I decided to go back to my quest for possible connections with the Star Summer Palace. While studying the map of Prague, I ended up on Petřín Hill (49), one of my favorite spots in the city. I have spent hours in its Mirror Maze (50), on the Petřín Tower (51) and in the lushness of its apple and pear orchards and parks. The view from this 1043 ft high hill is truly enchanting. Petřín Hill also harbors the Rose Garden. If you look at the pictures on this website (52) about the garden, you can see that there is a labyrinth on the pavement. I’m leaving that for what it is, as I’m not sure if it’s of any other significance than for children to play on it. But look at the below map of a section of the hill. The lower pattern of lines on the map is of the Rose Garden. It has the shape of a half spider web. In the upper pattern of walking paths on the map, you can detect a circle with six compartments. Also interesting, but does it really mean something in that specific setting? I didn’t know when I discoved it, and still am not sure.

Petřín Hill, Prague.

One indisputable thing about that circle with six compartments is that it has a strong connotation with a hexagon. And that reminded me of a peculiar concept from sacred geometry: Metatron’s Cube. Notice the central circle in this diagram?

Metatron’s Cube is a two dimensional geometric shape. It’s comprised of 13 equally sized circles, each of which have a line that comes out from the center and extends out to the centers of the other 12 circles. There are actually six circles on the interior part placed in the pattern of a hexagon – all around a single circle placed in the center. There are also six more circles extending out along those same radial lines. Since there are 13 circles in Metatron’s cube, each of which have nodes or lines connecting to the other 12 circles, the symbol contains a total of 78 lines inside it. A very concise explanation of Metatron’s Cube is offered in this video:

Metatron’s Cube: Exploring Sacred Geometry – NidhiPrakashArts
Thoth, as depicted on the tomb of Ramses in Luxor, Egypt.

So there he is again: Metatron, the archangel! According to scholars in the esoteric world, he created the cube by taking it from his own soul and using it to oversee the energy flow between heaven and earth. Metatron is believed to be a mediator between humans and the divine. As you could read earlier in this blog, some people claim that he’s St. Michael, while others deny that. He really is a bit of a shady figure – not much is known about him, apart from a few mentions in the Talmud and the Book of Enoch. According to the Rabbinic tradition, he was the most powerful angel and believed to be the celestial scribe, who wrote down the word of God. The latter is important for us, because, against all odds, there is more to this entity than most people know. Fact is, for instance, that Metatron is the same deity as the Egyptian god Thoth. Also Thoth is considered to be ‘the scribe of the gods’. He is not the scribe of the God of the Bible, though. He is a fallen (arch)angel – a demonic principality, and if you ask me, a pretty influenciable one.

Let me offer you a peek into what is written about Thoth: “He’s in charge of education, communication, languages, science, art, gambling, engineering, medicine and magick spells. He’s the inventor of writing, the creator of languages, the scribe, interpreter, and adviser of the gods, and the representative of the sun god, Ra. He also is the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, surveying, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, the 365 day calendar, reading and oratory. Besides that, he is the god of the moon, wisdom, and the equilibrium between order and chaos, balance, judgment and the dead.”  

Thoth is called Hermes by the Greeks, Iblis by the Muslims and Mercury by the Romans. Another name that’s undeniably connected to him is Hermes Trismegistus. We will examine that name soon, but first let’s go back again to the Cube of Metatron/Thoth. As you have seen in the above video, the cube literally breathes sacred geometry. All five of the Platonic Solids can be found within it, but also two dimensional shapes like the stellated hexagon, otherwise known as the Star of David.

The shape of the Star Summer Palace and its interior contain a number of referrals to sacred geometry, alchemy, astrology, numerology and Hermeticism. It must have meant much to Archduke Ferdinand, its owner. What moved him to have one entire building made with all those themes in it? Could it be because these referrals were not only attributions to these thought systems? Could the sum of them be an instrument, used in a consecrated setting, to achieve things that could not be acquired in other ways? And what does Hermeticism have to do with it?

The Seven Hermetic Principles from the Kybalion – maker of image unknown.

When digging into the deeper meaning behind Hermeticism, it soon becomes clear that it’s not just a philosophy. It is science, it is religion, it’s a magical system, based upon the Hermetica (53), the purposed writings of Hermes Trismagistus, who was said to be a merge between the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. The Hermetica contained the 17-piece Corpus Hermeticus, the Emerald Tablets and the Perfect Discourse, which formed the bedrock of hermetic thought. There is a book that is not part of the official ancient hermetic texts, the Kybalion (54) (1908). It was written by three authors, who called themselves The Three Initiates. It’s a modern interpretation of hermetic philosophy, outlining the thought system in a more concise way. In this book, you can find the Seven Hermetic Principles that explain much of its basis. Actor and filmmaker Garrett Thierry offers a very clear outline of these seven principles on his website (55). I’m not very fond of the film about the Kybalion that he’s promoting, because it actually encourages people to practice Hermeticism. Still, Garrett makes some remarks on his website that explain a lot about a very complicated philosophy in just a few words, e.g. “At the intersections of philosophy, science, and spirituality lies the ancient philosophy of Hermeticism.”

The complexity of Hermeticism is a problem for those who try to get a grasp of this thought system. I feel a bit helpless, trying to distill its bare basics and explain them to you. That’s why I encourage you to watch this video:

This video has been helpful in leading me to the next aspect of my quest: an occultic society named The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (56). Unlike what the Wikipedia page wants you to believe, this magical order still exists. It’s one of the highest orders of the Luciferian Brotherhood System (Illuminati) and the light-side counter part of the Order of the Phoenix, which is dark-side (simplified, it boils down to downright black magick as opposed to the lighter part of the Luciferian System, that is infiltrated into many benign looking thought systems, organizations and religions.) Both the Golden Dawn and the Phoenix are grouped under the highest order of the System, the Order of Melchizedek (not to be confused with its Biblical namesake!) These orders are very secretive about their true capacity and activities, and only a few whistleblowers are openly talking about it. Some good information on the Golden Dawn can be found here (57). It’s chilling to realize that said order is not a thing of the past. Eugenics and sex magick are still very much alive and practiced all over the world, as we speak… And the eugenics bring us right back to the initial focus point of my blogs in this series: the Round House! The combination of personal testimonies of witnesses and the direct links between the Van Vloten family and Arian-centered occult philosophies and their promoters makes theories about possible activities in that manner on the premises of the Round House very credible (58).

Basilica Philosophica – 1618.

I believe it’s time to ask ourselves what has become of the Templars. After all the discoveries that we made regarding the multi faceted and milllenia old realm of esoterism and the occult, is the focus on Templar-architecture and the storage of treasures and ammunition still of any significance? Does a handful of knightly orders from, say, eight centuries ago, have anything to do with Hermeticism or geomancy, or do we need to gently let them go and continue exploring the more spiritual side of things?

Geomancer Tone from the UK gives us some answers to the above question on his website Templar Mechanics (59). He talks about the discovery of the unusual positioning of a group of old Knights Templar settlements (churches, chapels…) in Temple Bruer, Lincolnshire. The allignment of the churches forms a petacle in the landscape and, intertwined with that, there is a hexagram, that can be found in the layout of the current village. Tone testifies of repeating geometric design and mathemetical measures at holy places and about an energy grid that covers the earth – all clear references to ley lines and power places! He doesn’t only mention Temple Bruer, but also Rosslyn, Iona and even Rennes le Chateau in France. If we must believe what’s outlined on this website, the Templars were most certainly aware of the invisible flow of energy in and above the earth. And that awareness is obviously still present among the modern-day Templars.

Knights Templar – Shutterstock.

Meanwhile, I’m learning more and more about the infiltration of occultic belief systems in the arts, science, architecture and city planning. It’s literally everywhere, even in places that I first didn’t think much of, like the star forts. Flemish mathematician, scientist, linguist and music theorist Simon Stevin (1548-1620) (60) was very much involved in their development – he adapted the new Italian system for building fortifications to the geographical conditions and available resources of the Low Countries. He fled from Flanders to the Netherlands for his protestant background and became the advisor, engineer and personal mathematician of the Dutch prince Maurice of Orange (Maurits van Oranje). He was a great admirer of Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer and polymathemathician, who was into Hermeticism. The fact that he followed Copernicus’ proposition that the sun was the center of the universe, instead of the earth, and that the earth was not static, but revolving around the sun together with other planets and the stars, made that he was frowned upon by the majority of the church clergy of his time. Prince Maurice endorsed his way of thinking though, and he took him along on many of his campaigns. Stevin was his quartermaster, but also his teacher. Now take a look at this Dutch village called Bourtange (61), a starfort that was part of a long defense line from the 80 Years’ War, created to protect the Netherlands against the enemies from the East. It already existed when Stevin came along, but he played an important role in enhancing its effectiveness as a fortification that protected against new weaponry.

Do you recognize the shape of the fort? Doesn’t that come very close to an unfolded Dodecahedron?

Dodecahedron – Wolfram Mathworld – fair use for research and education.

Each of the Platonic Solids are associated with the five elements: fire, air, earth, water and aether. The Dodecahedron had a connection to aether, and unvoluntarily I’m wondering whether the star fort of Bourtange has anything to do with it.

Platonic Solids and the Elements. Image by HellenicFaith.

Let me explain why that thought occurred. As we know, star forts are found all over the world and although much has been written about them, they still invoke a sense of mystery. And mystery always makes way for unusual theories. To give you some context, I need to take you back further in history for a brief moment. One of the things that has been suggested about star forts, cathedrals and other elaborate buildings, is that they were power generators of sorts, stemming from a time when people had access to much more technology and knowledge than, say, in the Renaissance. Think of how Plato depicted Atlantis as a place where a unique usage of certain crystals had given access to high standing healthcare, transportation and the provision of energy. It is known that Simon Stevin believed in this mysterious past age where people knew ‘just about everything’. He called it the Wijsentijt (The Time of the Wise), an era far before the Roman and Greek civilizations, referred to by the classical writers as The Golden Age. Stevin shared his views on this subject by describing ‘signs’ of that past time in various fields of science: astronomy, algebra, geometry, alchemy and magick. His great desire was to show people the way to the reinstatement of this long forgotten knowledge of the past.

Image by Karim Ghantous via Unsplash.

Back to the star forts. As I said, a recent theory suggests that some of them could have been power generators of sorts. The basic idea is this: the forts were once filled with water, and that water was being ionized through a special method, helped by the geometric shape of the fort. This ‘living water’ would then get healing properties and the ability to provide energy for various purposes. The usage of vibrations, frequency and sound were key in this, and obtaining aether from the air was inextricably linked to it. You can even find traces of it in old castle gardens and in water works. I have to say that the discrepadncy between the proven dates of these pieces of extraordinary engineering and the stories about ‘the lost status of said technology’ creates a short circuit in my brain. Not everything of the theory that I outlined above makes sense to me. Still, the level of knowledge and insight in nature and science that’s involved in old engineering does make one stop and think, doesn’t it? And although it’s not clear from who and when this technology came, it does make me wonder whether there really once was a Time of the Wise.

At present, it should be of no surprise that star forts have the attention of geomancers. There also are records from SRA survivors who have pointed star forts out as ritual sites with a heavy spiritual atmosphere. Could star forts in fact be power places, and therefore, is there a possibility that some of these forts are spiritual gates? If that is so, does the shape of these forts play a role in the harnessing of spiritual energy? No matter how you look at it, they have will probably always be seen as high energy places.

As my research progressed, more and more peculiar works of architecture and engineering caught my eye. For example, I came across a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Wilhelmshöhe Park (62) in Germany. This immense landscape park (the largest in Europe!) on a high hill due west of a town called Kassel, has a combination of water works and Greek gods as its central theme and was built over a period of 150 years, no less! Why such long lasting commitment to a project that, on the surface, was only there for aesthetic reasons? Was this truly a prestige object for Landgrave Carl of Hesse-Kassel, who initiated the construction in 1689, or was there more to this park? Were the 350 meter-cascades, the 50 meters high fountain and other ingeniously designed water features some kind of hidden power source – and if so, in which way? Could it have some kind of initiatory meaning, or did all those Greek gods like Hercules, Pluto, Poseidon and Mercury only find their place in this park because they looked distinguished and classy? I have been looking for answers to these questions, and because I’m almost flewent in German, I’m not limited to websites and books in the English language. In spite of that, I couldn’t find one single hint to a possible esoteric connection in this hill park.

The Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel, Germany.

Still, I couldn’t shake my astonishment over the extravagance of this place. It just looked abnormal. Not logical. Mind you – we know about figures of world fame in history, who have been honored with grandiose castles, monuments and the like, but a landgrave and his decendants from some territory somewhere in the middle of Germany, that committed themselves to constructing something of this scale… and that, with a perseverence that stretched out over one and a half century? I mean – look at how that straight line extends from that statue of Hercules on the top of the hill, down the slope and then out of the park, all the way into the center of Kassel! And did you notice the Freemasonic compass & square symbol on the park map?

It was a week later when I finally found a hint that confirmed my suspicion as to the possible esoteric undercurrent of the Wilhelmshöhe Hill Park. In 2004, geomancer Michael Herwig, wrote a book called Der Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe – Landschaftstempel und Einweihungspark (The Hill Park Wilhelmshöhe – Landscape Temple and Initiation Park.) It’s almost impossible to get by in (online) bookstores because it’s out of print, but the description of the book is still up on various sites:

“The author shows how the ancient science of geomancy was used by the landgraves of Kassel to design their mountain park. He deliberately remains unscientific and introduces the reader to the basics of geomancy in an understandable and almost casual way. In addition to the landscape temple, it also shows other geomantic features such as the ley line Wilhelmshöher Allee, the Omphalos or the connection between Hercules and the Archangel Michael. So he not only accompanies you through the mountain park and the Wilhelmshöhe landscape temple, but also to a new way of looking at things and thus to the things behind things.”

Landscape Temple. Geomancy. ley line. Initiation. And a link to ‘Archangel Michael’. Do I need to say more?

And now brace yourself, because we’re in for a culture shock. We’re going all the way to Central Asia, to the capital of an immensely big country named Kazakhstan. To everybody who thinks that symbolism and the esoteric can only be found in centuries old buildings and ancient towns… allow me to prove you wrong, because the city we’re going to check out is called The Illuminati Capital of the World. We’re talking about ASTANA!

Now you tell me. Can you ignore the overload of occultic symbolism in these buildings? There’s a pyramid, two shiny golden towers that, according to some, resemble the Freemasonry pillars Boaz and Joachin (more on that later), there are mythical birds, the symbol of the sun and walking paths and streets laid out in circles and rays of the sun. And with that, we’re only barely scratching the surface.

The object you see on the top left picture and on the foreground of the one below is the Bayterek Tower (63). It’s a stylized depiction of the magical Tree of Life, with on top a golden bowl that represents the golden egg that was laid in the crevice between two branches of the tree by the mythical bird of happiness, named Simurgh. This golden egg symbolizes the sun. And as if that was not enough, I found this: “The significance of “Bayterek” as a symbol of a new stage in the life of the Kazakh people is emphasized by the artistic composition “Ayaly Alakan” (Kazakh: Аялы алақан – “Caring Hands”) with an imprint of president Nursultan Nazarbayev’s right hand, located at a height of 97 meters, which symbolizes 1997 – the year of the proclamation of Astana as the new capital of the state and, accordingly, a new starting point in the history of the country.”

This is scary, because whenever there are ‘creative’ handprints in art installations or on walls above ground, one has to think of the possibility that there are handprints on the walls of tunnels underneath that location. The presence of handprints can mean that there is hallowed ground closeby. Satanic hallowed ground. The various coats of arms that the city has had throughout the years make my thoughts go into the same direction. At least, about the presense of tunnels: in heraldry, a mural crown forms a strong indication that a system of corridors can be found undrground, below the location in question. There is much more to these coats of arms, but for now, I’m leaving that for what it is…

When digging deeper, you’ll find that Astana has many places of ritualistic significance. The presidential palace Ak Orda (“the White Horde”) (64) for instance:

The palace holds a blue and gold dome, capped with a tall spire. The golden statue above the dome encompasses a sun with 32 rays at its apex, and an eagle flying beneath the sun as a reflection of the Kazakh flag (65).

Those 32 rays are significant. Keep them in mind!

Something you need to know about the eagle: this bird of prey is traditionally used for hunting on the steppes of Kazakhstan. What is hardly ever mentioned in mainstream documentation though, is that this bird is also used in shamanism. In various countries all over the world, different tribes have their own connection to a specific bird, mostly a bird of prey. The shamans of these tribes can shapeshift into birds by using some form of magick, and function as messengers between our world and the underworld by accessing the spiritual gates that are at their disposal. I expect it will be hard to get your head around this, but it is information that comes from various people who have been part of the occult. They have seen it happen with their own eyes.

Kisho Kurokawa (1934-2007), a Japanese architect, was responsible for the design and master plan of the city, which officially is supposed to be a reference to the rich culture of the people in Kazakhstan, and to values like ‘peace and unity’. Let’s have a look at this ‘design and master plan’, which is basically a long, straight boulevard lining various buildings, water features, fountains and parks.

This is what we encounter in its layout, from west to east:

  • Khan Satyr (66) (a shopping- and entertainment center in the shape of a traditional tent.)
  • Lovers Park (67) (park with a fountain that contains a symbol of sixteen horseshoes, of ‘the four horses that gallop to the four corners of the earth, signifying Kazakhstan’s development in all directions’… (68))
  • Bayterek Tower (Tree of Life with golden egg/sun resting on its branches in a park with paths in a spider web pattern.)
  • The Golden Towers (69) ( (two gigantic conical golden bank buildings left and right of the boulevard, that strongly reminds of the positioning of the pillars Boaz and Joachin in Freemasonry.)
  • Ak Orda ( (the Presidential Palace with the golden-blue dome and the spire with the 32 sun rays and the flying eagle.)
  • The Phoenix (a water feature in the shape of a phoenix in the Presidential Park.)
  • The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (a pyramid that houses a concert hall, a conference center and a meeting place of all the main world religions)
  • The Kazakh Eli Monument (70) (column with a golden eagle directed towards the Pyramid.)
The Phóenix pointing at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation.

The name of the westernmost part of this boulevard is Nuryol, which means “Light Road”. It fits seemlessly with the cultural Kazakh solar theme that we encounter everywhere in Astana, but one must ask whether it’s not also a hint to the esoteric. What I found out is that the walking paths in the parks have strange shapes that, time after time, boil down to (concentric) circles, rays and arrows/spears. Some may see some kind of system of ‘urban crop circles’ in it, but what has more of my interest is this: four spear shapes in the landscape design are pointing at the same location, from the West, North, South and East. The focal point of these four spears is the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, the pyramid! And to top it off, there are also two mythical birds facing the pyramid with their wings spread wide open: you can see the one in the West on the picture above: the Phóenix water feature. The other, in the East, is the bird on top of the Kazakh Eli Monument. Have a look at a picture of this monument in this link, (71). After that, check out the below video about the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation.

Palace of Peace and Reconciliation – click on image to watch video.

The photos on this website (72) give you additional insight as to what the interior of this pyramid looks like.

If by now, you can’t see the occult in all this…? There is Freemasonry, the symmetry of Hermeticism and there is ancient Central Asian mythology. Besides that, I strongly believe that both the sun and the phoenix being so prominent in this city, could indicate that there is ‘flirting’ going on with both the Order of the Golden Dawn and the Order of the Phoenix! And then we have the constant ‘peace and unity-of-the-people’-theme… I know – this is a thing in the Near East and Central Asia. Each time I was in Turkey (and I was there often, as a translator) I was literally bombarded with talk about ‘peace and love and unity’. Being so vocal about it is their way of expressing values that they are longing for as much as we all do. But Astana is different. Way different. This Palace of Peace and Reconciliation literally oozes House of One (73), which basically is a representation of the very One World Religion that the Luciferian Brotherhood System (or Illuminati, or Cabal, as you like) is trying to establish as a part of their scheme of totally controlling the people in the time of the antichrist.

Lower floor of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. Click on image for a 360 degree view.

Did you notice the threefold theme in the various stores of the pyramid? The three lower, underground stores are called The Underworld. Then above that, there is an area called Earth, and the top floors are called The Sky. Did you appreciate the color of the lower floors – all black – almost like the inside the Black Cube of Saturn (= Satan)? Talking about planets and gods, the name of the god of the underworld is Pluto. Pluto was formerly known as Hades and his name literally means “the wealthy one”. Apart from being the ruler of the underworld and the dead, Pluto is also known as the god of argiculture and riches, and with that, we’re coming across a number of interesting facts:

  • Kazakhstan is a very rich country. It’s known to have oil as its main natural resource. That’s what much of the construction of the new, outlandish center of Astana was funded with. Oil is found in the ground. In, as it were, ‘Pluto’s underworld’.
  • Planet Pluto was named after the god of the underworld and the dead, because it’s the furthest away from the Sun, and therefore the coldest (dwarf) planet.
  • The lowest floors of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is furthest away from the top floor, which has a Sun feature in its glass ceiling. The Sun is a very prominent part of Kazakh culture.
Top floor of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. UNDP – click on image to go to the website.
  • The rays of this sun actually represent 32 grains – a hint to the strong agricultural presence in the culture of the Kazakhs and a basis for abundance and prosperity.
  • At the ground level of the building, which functions as an exhibition hall, there’s a sun-shaped mosaic on the floor. And right underneath that, the ceiling of the theater in ‘the Underworld’ features, again, a sun with its 32 rays. Now believe it or not – in between the rays of the sun on that ceiling (73), daylight comes flooding into the underground theater, because the floor mosaic of the ground level exhibition hall is translucent. It’s an oculus. And if we go all the way back up, the top floor (also called ‘the Cradle’) has a hole in the ground in the middle of that big, round table underneath the apex. It allows light from the outside to come down, through the open plan of the building to the ground level and further. That basically means that there is a vertical opening in this pyramid, all the way from the apex at the top to the lowest floor underground!
  • Could that mean that the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is in fact a spiritual gate? When looking up the symbolism behind the number of sunrays that keeps on surfacing in Kazakh solar symbolism, I discovered a few more ‘coincidences’: the number 32 appears to a symbol of balance and harmony. It represents the perfect union between the material and spiritual realms. And then there is this: The digits in the number 32 have the digit sum 5 which resonates with the planet Mercury. Remember? Mercury = Hermes = Iblis = Thoth! – click on image to go to the website.

Another remark I’d like to make about the top floor is that the stained glass apex, which seems to be grasping at or even trying to pierce the heavens, could either be depicting the Sun itself, or an outburst of flames coming from the Sun. Could that be a referral to the Initiates of the Flame – those who are members of the Satanic Order of Melchizedek, the highest order of the Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati? In that case, the symbolism would be very suiting, since the Initiates of the Flame actually see themselves as ‘gods’.

One last thing that struck me when exploring the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, was the weird link it has with Norse Mythology. As I have mentioned before, this building has three realms: the Underworld, the Earth and the Sky. Just like the Norse Tree of Life… isn’t that odd? Where in the world do these occultic cross references and all that striking symbolism come from? I also see some of the elements represented in the pyramid: earth, air, and I see fire. With a bit of imagination, I can even see water cascading down the winding stairs. I wonder, could also parts of the Kaballah Tree of Life be found back in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation? One thing is certain: this pyramid is one huge paradox. It is presented as a building that’s deliberately lacking religious symbols, in order to make everybody feel safe and welcome. At the same time however, it’s packed with covert transferability. How much did the architect, Sir Norman Foster, have to do with that? I’m curious to know what part of the design has directly sprouted from his mind, and which aspects came from the Kazakh government. Or did it come from an entirey different source? The same questions count of course for Kisho Kurokawa, the designer of the masterplan for the city…

Alzhir Memorial – click on image to go to the website.

Meanwhile, if you think that this is all there is to Astana, you’re wrong. There is much more weirdness in this city, like its numerous columns and needles that officially function as memorials for various causes, but in reality are Asherah Poles, erected to honor the demonic principality Asherah/Astaroth/Isis. In link (74) you can find what the Bible says about these pagan worshipping poles. Furthermore, in one of the Astana parks is a series of round metal arches that you can pass underneath. They look pretty senseless and idle, but they really remind me of portals. Another outlandish arch can be found 20 miles west of the city. It’s part of the Alzhir Museum and the memorial complex of political repressions and totalitarianism victims. Now you tell me where you’ve seen this peculiar shape before…! Hint: more than the TV-series.

The Golden Towers, Astana. Image by German Backpacker.

As said at the beginning of this chapter about Astana, the two Golden Towers in the city center are also not only office buildings. Some people say that they remind them of the Masonic columns Boaz and Joachin. There could be some truth in that, but they also form a gate – a Gate of Baal. They have so-called threshhold contracts with the occult and the demonic – contracts that are associated with the trading of (spiritual) energy. Witches and warlocks believe that based on those contracts, they have the right, in conjunction with demonic principality Baal, to feed off and trade with the spiritual energy of (unwitting) people who pass through that gate.

Energy. So much seems to be centered around energy in places that have connections to the occult! One last example that has everything to do with this subject, is the World Exhibition, which was hosted in 2017 by Astana. The very theme of that year’s Expo was… energy and the Sustainable Development Goals of the World Economic Forum. Not a lot of explanation is needed here, I think. If you want to learn more about Expo 2017, you can click on the photo below.

Expo 2017 – UNECE – Click on image to watch video.

Astana has only been the capital of Kazakhstan since 1997. It has proven that also new architecture and city planning can have a total fusion with the esoteric. I have no idea how much of an influence modern day Templars have in Kazakhstan. That doesn’t take away though, that the queasy feeling I had when I started to research this place has only increased. No matter what sceptics are saying – the bombastic buildings and memorials cannot only be the ego trip of president with an above average self esteem. I’m seriously wondering whether Astana is an End Times-focused place of significance, that’s hiding in plain sight behind a fool’s megalomania. Could this city be some kind of power plant, intended to be energized through various means, with rituals and sacrifice as an apotheosis, and then utilized for weaponized geomancy, in order to gain and maintain control over a part of the world? And could it possibly have a link to Hitler, who once called the Kazakhs Star People in one of his writings? After all, in tandem with the Ahenerbe, he believed that the people of Kazakhstan were actually Atlanteans… or more precisely Aryans!

In the meantime, my research had brought me back to Europe, and I was examining a map with a network of energy lines. Being in a casual mood of “what else is there to find out there,” I was comparing some ley line intersections. The Externsteine in Germany for example, were located on a crossing of no less than four lines. No wonder that throughout the centuries, this otherworldly gathering of rocks has attracted people of all walks of life and practically every school of the occult. Yet, there was a place that turned out to have even more lines coming together. The German city of Karlsruhe had six of them, and when I double checked, I found two other ley line maps confirming this. That, of course, spiked my curiosity. I decided to take a look at a satellite image of this place.

DANG!! Have you ever seen something like this? I most certainly haven’t, and it literally took me a minute to recover from the shock, because this city seemed to have it all: the concentric circles, the street patterns all coming together in a pointy shape right in the center of the circle… This was Atlantis, solar symbolism, hermetic symmetry and even the Freemasonic square and compass, all in one! Reason to immediately zoom into its history and possible esoteric background.

Now here we come across a practical problem. When I started to dig into this subject, I soon found such an overload of in-depth information, links and cross references, that I now have no idea where to start, showing them to you. That is why I decided to resort to bullet points, trusting that by now, you can put most of the puzzles pieces together on your own. So here we go:

  • The castle and city of Karlsruhe were founded in 1715 by Margrave Karl Wilhelm of Baden-Durlach in the south-west of Germany, which at the time was a territory of the Holy Roman Empire. The name Karlsruhe, meaning “Charles’ repose” or “Charles’ peace” was first introduced after a dream that Karl Wilhelm had. He had come back from a hunting trip, fell asleep and dreamt of founding his new city.
  • When laying the first stone of the castle, Karl Wilhelm embedded a medal, gold coins and a bottle of white wine into the fundament.
  • At the laying of the foundation stone, an order of knighthood was establish. This order went by the name Fidelitas (Fidelity). This order was meant to have 32 members.

Top left: the Karlsruhe Castle, view towards the North. Bottom left: view towards the South from the castle tower, into the Karl-Friedrichstrasse (the city’s axis), with clearly visible the Pyramid and behind that the Constitutional Column. Right: the octagonal castle tower.

  • The tower of the castle has the shape of an octagon and is a central starting point of a fanning pattern of 32 rays, that each form a straight line to power places at various distances from the castle.
  • The perfect circle around the castle that cuts through these rays is called “the holy circle” by geomancers.
Karlsruhe 1721 map.
  • South of the Karlsruhe Castle are nine streets, of which eight are attributed to the eight first knights of the Fidelitas Order, while the street at the center is a homage to the ruler himself. At present, this fanning street pattern still form a distinct triangle, or if you will, a pointy shape, from which the Freemasonic compass and square can easily be derived. The central street, the Karl-Friedrichstrasse, forms the city’s axis and leads south to a pyramid in the town center – this pyramid is the grave of Karl Wilhelm, the city’s founder. As you continue following this axis, also called the Via Triumphalis (Road of Triumph), you’ll find an obelisk or Asherah Pole at the Rondellplatz roundabout. It’s called The Constitutional Column, and it’s connected to a wellspring. The southernmost point of the Via Triumphalis is the Ettlinger Tor (75), one of six ancient gates to the city. This building was demolished in 1872.
  • There appears to be a master plan for restructuring of the Ettlinger Tor area. A Dutch architectural firm has designed a floating garden that looks like a UFO from below, while seen from above, it’s themed after the layout of the Karlsruhe Castle with its 32 solar rays… (76) I don’t know if this plan is still on the table, but the website says that its status is “in progress.”
  • Although Karl Wilhelm was seen as the official builder and promoter of Karlsruhe, his Chamber Procurator Johann Georg Förderer von Richtenfels was probably the person who had the most influence on the design and construction of the castle and city. His role was kept a secret though, and he was a Freemason, alchemist, theosopher (not to be confused with Theosophist!) and member of the secret imperial Order of the Cherubim.
  • Atlantis formed a very real inspiration for the design of Karlsruhe, on both a physical and esoteric level. It’s also known though, that a lot of the castle and city was modeled after Versailles in France. And in turn, Karlsruhe formed an inspiration for the street plan of Washington D.C.!

There are so many other things that I could tell about this city, but even if we look back at this limited set of bullet points, there is a myriad of oddities that catch the eye. To give you some examples:

Image by Rob Bates via Unsplash.
  • Karl Wilhelm built his castle after a dream, just like St. Aubert built that sanctuary at Mont Saint-Michel off the French coast after dreaming about St. Michael.
  • Karl Wilhelm embedded a medal and gold coins in the fundament of his castle, just like Ferdinand of Tyrol did at the start of the construction of the Star Summer Palace in Prague.
  • The Karlsruhe castle grounds are modeled after Atlantis and have a strong Egyptian solar theme. How many other places we’ve encountered in this blog have that, too?
  • We keep on bumping into the combination of concentric circles and spear, arrow or pyramid shapes in different land- and cityscapes.
  • The garden design around the Karlsruhe Castle includes 32 rays fanning out from the castle tower. 32 is also the number of knights in the Fidelitas Order. That same number, combined with the solar theme, seems to be crucial in Kazakhstan and its capital Astana.
  • The central tower of the castle in Karlsruhe has the shape of an octagon. So has the tower of the Hercules on top of the hill of the Wilhelmshöhe Park in Kassel.
  • Key individuals involved in the design or development of the various building projects I’ve talked about were hermetists, alchemists, Freemasons, geomancers, Neoplatonists, Templars… and sacred geometry is embedded in almost all the places they built.
  • In Kassel, Karlsruhe and Astana, there are long, straight roads with obelisks, pyramids and other remarkable landmarks.
  • All the locations we’ve visited in this blog have at least one ley line running through it. Most of them are power places.
  • Many of these places have something to do with power and energy. The Nazis at the Wewelsburg wanted power and control over the entire world. TristateCity is claiming to be the World’s nr. 1 Power Center. Astana hosted the 2017 Expo, that was all about energy. Karlsruhe is known for its Nuclear Research Center and its Federal Constitutional Court. It’s also the only German city that’s part of the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance of the World Economic Forum. Within that alliance, it’s even the pioneer city!
Karlsruhe Digital – click on image to go to the website.

Let’s stop and reflect for a moment. Do you see what I am doing here? I’m displaying for everyone to see, that all the weirdness and cross references found on this voyage of discovery are historically verifiable. The esoteric societies, the philosophical and religious thought systems, the people, the architecture and the actualities… they’re all readily traceable in libraries online and offline. And the same themes keep on resurfacing.

Obviously, one of those themes is the number 32. I already explained about the sum of those two digits resulting in the number 5, and how that is connected to the planet Mercury. But there is more to this number: according to a deeper form of numerology, 32 stands for God or The House of God. Now in order to understand why this is significant, we have to take a look at sacred geometry. Its basis doesn’t lie in the stunning architecture of centuries old buildings, but in God’s creation. In order to find true sacred geometry, we have to study the perfectly symmetrical, repetative patterns in flowers, snowflakes, the movement of iron shavings when influenced by a magnet, a honeycomb and even in water that’s reacting to sound waves.

We can see in art and architecture how these shapes and patterns are utilized, and that is wonderful. God is not only the Creator of heaven and earth, but also the true Source of Inspiration for wholesome art, effective and beautiful architecture and ingenious engineering. Where, as far as I’m concerned, problems rize, is when the souvereignty of God is bypassed and when people start to use sacred geometry as an ultimate vehicle to ascend to a higher state of being. Hermeticism claims that god is in all and all is created by god and that man basically is god. It claims that man can learn to become more aware of his own divinity and by that, obtain more control and power over himself and his environment. Hermetists are strifing to become god without acknowledging the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as described in the Bible. This ultimately counts for the performers of all forms of magick and for all the orders and societies that we’ve encountered. They bypass the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the God of the Bible, while they are trying to tap off his creation to gain power and influence for goals they consider important.

Do you now see the link of this all with the number 32, the number that represents God or The House of God? This has more to do with the desire to be where the God of the Bible is, and to be as powerful as Him, than with anything else! As we know by now, Karl Wilhelm’s Chamber Procurator Johann Georg Förderer von Richtenfels was the main individual behind the design and construction of the Karlsruhe Castle. He was, among other things, an alchemist. Alchemism is rooted in Hermeticism. And the more than obvious reference to the Egyptian sun-god Ra in the street design around the castle… well, I guess it’s not for nothing that the most elaborate book that was written about the esoteric background of Karlsruhe carries the name Mythos einer Sonnenstadt – Myth of a Sun City (77).

It’s interesting to see that the author of this book, Jens Martin Möller, refers to the inner circle around the Karlsruhe Castle as The Holy Circle. A holy circle is often used for summoning by witches and warlocks. A typical phenomenon associated with this is the Cone of Power, which is a cone of spinning energy, created by (mostly Wiccan) witches who are gathered together in a cast circle. They direct that energy at an object of their choice to achieve a goal that they have specified beforehand. If you’d see it on a spiritual level, I imagine it most look somewhat like this:

LOTR Return of the King – beginning of the War in Minas Morgul.

One of the settings where the Cone of Power was utilized was, in fact, a war. The Second World War, to be precise. And the object of the ritual in question was Adolf Hitler. During the summer of 1940, a group of witches and spiritual seekers in Highcliffe-on-Sea, on the UK’s South Coast, reportedly staged a ritual to defend their country against a threatened German invasion. They did that by trying to impose a thought in Hitler’s mind that would make him believe that he’d never succeed in crossing the Canal. And lo and behold: the German ended up not invading the UK. Was that thanks to this witches’ operation? We will never know, since cause and effect in this case cannot be proven, and not a lot has been written about the ritual in question. Fact is though, that there are people who strongly believe in the power of witchcraft, and they sure do act on it.

Women in ceremonial Kazakh dress. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls.

Something that not many people know is that according to some witches, the shape of the classical, pointy witches’ hat was based on the Cone of Power. The round form of the summoning circle would be the basis of the hat, and the vortex of energy its conical shape. The hat has also been seen as an illustration of the flow of energy through the human body, with the lower part of the hat representing the root chakra at the bottom of the human spine, and the apex of the conical shape as the crown chakra at the top of the head. I’m starting to wonder how much of this symbolism has a relation to the hats that the women of Kazakhstan wear as part of their national dress. I know that I may not find a answer to that. After all, the traditions of a country go back many centuries, and it’s almost impossible to find their true origins. And with “true origins”, I don’t mean the official explanation of things that fit the historical canon of a nation.

As we’ve seen clearly now, the discrapency between the official account of a cultural phenomenon and the true background of it can sometimes hit you hard in the face. Something else that I recently discovered literally gave me the chills. While I was reading an article about Sufism, I found out that there is a link between this religion and alchemy, and therefore there was a connection to Hermeticism as well. In principle this was not very surprising to me. I already knew that some the most famous alchemists, like Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, came from the Arab world, and that Sufism stems from Islam. The Wikipedia-page describes it as follows:

It is a mystic body of religious practice found within Islam which is characterized by a focus on Islamic purification, spirituality, ritualism, asceticism, and esotericism.

However, part of the Sufi movement is the so-called Mevlevi Order, or Order of Mevlana, with its Whirling Dervishes (78). I suddenly remembered the almost conical shape of the hats they wear, and in combination with that the whirling movement of their ritual dance… Why hadn’t I thought of them before? It was a long time ago, in 1994, when I witnessed them ‘live’ during one of my visits to Istanbul. A vidid memory that I have of it, was that the atmosphere of their ceremony did not resonate with me. It felt very dark to me, gloomy almost, and that same feeling came up when I watched the Dervishes again in the below video. Yet, for some reason I knew that it was important to take a closer look at the different body postures during their ritual dance.

TRIGGER WARNING: be careful. The atmosphere of this kind of ceremonies can have a negative effect on soul and spirit. Before watching the video, I recommend you to put on the Armor of God, as described in Ephesians 6:10-18 of the Bible, and ask Jesus to cover you with His blood.

Sufi Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul.

So I watched the video, be it with the sound turned off. A few minutes in, I already saw why it was significant: the arms and the hands! Prominent part of their ceremony is that they hold their hands in specific positions. They claim that by holding the palm of their right hand upward, and turning the palm of their left hand down while whirling, they ‘channel’ blessings from heaven to earth – from their god Allah to the people.

But the channeling was not the thing that triggered me most. I noticed that, when the Dervishes are standing still at various stages of the ceremony, they hold their arms crossed before their breast. That’s a well known sign in occultic circles – it’s called Osiris Risen! And when I did a quick search on that, I came across the mysterious phrase Osiris Slain. And right after that, I found these photos of body postures…

Body positions of the Golden Dawn LVX ritual. Image by Nick Farrell – fair use for research and education.

They are part of a ritual of the Golden Dawn, the so-called LVX-formula. Nick Farrell wrote this about it:

The signs made by witches during this ritual look so much like the various body postures of the Whirling Dervishes, that my jaw literally hit the floor! And then that whole set of themes of death and rizing from the grave and energy and light… I mean – while the LVX-ritual is centered around Osiris being slain, about Isis mourning his death, and then Osiris’ rising from the grave, the ritual dance of the Dervishes roughly displays the same symbolism: Their almost-conical felt hats are a symbol of the tombstones of the ego. The black cloaks that they throw off at the beginning of the ceremony stand for the spiritual rebirth to the truth. And the white skirt symbolizes the ego’s shroud.

In the ritual dance of the Whirling Dervishes I can ‘see’ the three dimensional aspect of the Cone of Power as an energy exchange. If we turn that circle-and-cone-shape into a two dimensional form, we get the circle-and-triangular or as you will, the circle-and-spear-shaped city plan of so many of the places we’ve visited! In his book Hitler’s Secret Sciences (79), Nigel Pennick lists the city plan of Karlsruhe as an outstanding example of German geomancy and explains:

Wait a second. Am I reading that right? A city plan, designed to psychologically influence its people? What the heck??

Well, on second thought, we have already seen phenomena that come close to claims like this. We’ve run into power-hungry individuals, we’ve come across places of religious influence and headquarters of political power… The Wewelsburg was meant to become the ideological and occultic center of the world. We’ve seen Washington D.C., Versailles and Vatican City. And let’s not forget the sites of the dowsing Templars in the medieval UK, and of course the megalomaniac structures of Astana.

And that book, Myth of a Sun City, is very helpful in understanding that. It has provided so much confirmation of things I’ve learned and questioned during my research. Major mysteries and minor loose threads – I keep on finding connections. For instance, there is this little map of the Czech Republic in Möller’s book. It shows its capital Prague as a major ley line hub and power place. When I zoomed into this hand drawn map, I discovered that, scribbled down at the intersection of all those lines, was the name Brevnov. That’s the very monastery that I’ve mentioned for being situated right next to the Star Summer Palace! So the young man that I talked to at The Star years ago could be right after all. When writing his book, Jens Martin Möller himself seemed to be unaware of this little structure, though. I’m sure he would otherwise have thoroughly scrutinized this mysterious location.

Another remarkable fact that’s been elaborately described in this book is that the Nazis were very much into geomancy, and that they were putting much effort in confiscating places that were built at power place throughout Europe, especially monasteries. They were convinced that by harnassing the energy at those places, they could gain ultimate control over the continent. This brings me right back to World War I, when Round House owner Frank van Vloten and his friends wanted to esoterically ‘weaponize’ their location to fasten the occultic grip over the Netherlands in favor of the Germans. We know that the Round House was built on a crossing of several ley lines, of which two were ancient Germanic holy lines. We also know that the layout of the Round House resembled a sun wheel, and that much effort was put into the making of a geoglyph of Odin (Woden) on its estate, of which the Round House functioned as Odin’s eye. Even his spear was part of this geoglyph! (See RHs III – Geoglyph)

Van Vloten had connections with the pangermanic and ultra-nationalistic Alldeutscher Verband (the Pan-German League). This organization wanted to restore those lines, that apparently were fallen into disuse throughout previous ages. And lo and behold, at least three Nazi training centers, the so-called Ordensburgen (80), were built right on top of intersections in that grid of ancient Germanic holy lines, namely Krössinsee, Vogelsang and Sonthofen.

Remember how I couldn’t get rid of that vision of those columns of light piercing the sky? In 2012 a film was released under the name Iron Sky (81). It’s a dark science fiction comedy that’s supposed to be a mockery of everything Nazis. The film was produced by a group of Finnish guerilla filmers – all very playful – but there is something strange to it. At first glance, it looks like they are just making fun of a handful of conspiracy theories about the Nazis and the Illuminati. However, the details and accuracy of their reflection of the bad guys in the film are coming so close to the bitter reality of nowaday’s Nazis (a.k.a. the Luciferian Brotherhood Illuminati) that I’m wondering if we should see this production as a combination of a cover up (turning what is real into fantasy by ridiculing it to the bone)… and predictive programming! And for your information – I’m not talking about their portrayel of Hitler and other nefarious world leaders as ‘reptilians’ (I do not believe in reptilians and alien theories.) Even without that, the film is packed with elements that remind me of much that I know and have heard from SRA survivors. And then, that blasted column of light…

Still from the film Iron Sky (2012) – click on image to go to the video trailer.

You know where you can find more of those light beams? In some of the music videos of German rock band Rammstein (82). Deutschland (83) is one example (TRIGGER WARNING). It’s a song with a particularly well produced yet violent video about the ugly side of German history, and the band members’ love-hate relationship to their country. Another Rammstein video with light columns is Adieu.

There is something that people in the highest echelons of the Luciferian System know about Satan (because he has directly told them): against all Biblical and prophetic odds, he is plotting on an insurrection in heaven. For many reasons, this is not going to happen – thank God – but Satan is proud and incredibly stubborn. This means that he’s doing everything possible to enforce his will, no matter how hopeless his case looks. You may ask how Satan is intending to realize this power grab? In order to understand that, you need to know something about spiritual gates:


There are numerous minor spiritual gates all over the globe, and nine major gates. A few of them can be found at The Vatican, CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), the Himalayas, Neuschwanstein Castle (Bavaria, Germany) and Rockford, Illinois. Spiritual gates either lead down into hell or up, into heaven. Psalm 100:4 says:

This means, that through sincere thankfulness and true praise & worship to God, humans can enter the heavenly courts and be in his presence. He knows our hearts and he knows when we’re for real.

Various passages in the Bible show that, until a certain point in the End Times, also Satan is allowed in the heavenly courts. He functions as the prosecuter of men. He is heavily guarded though, and restricted in the presence of the Most High. Demons however, are not able to enter heaven. And that is seen as a problem by God’s enemies. They know that the Lord and his angels are much, much stronger than Satan, so how is he ever going to defeat God and usurp his throne? Well, Satan believes there is one way to do that: together with a huge army of demonized humans. He likes to believe that by opening the nine major gates at the same time, and thereby storming the throne room of heaven with millions of demons piggybacking on people, he can actually knock God off his throne and take his place…

Now take a glance at Rammstein’s Adieu. I’ve deliberately set the link to a point halfway the video, so you don’t need to see the entire thing (huge TRIGGER WARNING). Clicking on the image below will bring you straight to the point I want to make.

Rammstein – Adieu. Click on image to go to the video.

So you tell me. What do those light columns stand for? EMPs? Cones of power? Portals or spiritual gates? And the people in the video… how much of this is a hint to what I just shared with you about Satan, wanting to storm heaven’s throne room with his infernal army? My guess is that this video clip symbolizes all of the above, and although the members of Rammstein may not be aware of the full scope of it… it has a direct link to the End Times!

Satan knows that Jesus’ salvation and God’s prophesies about the End Times are 100% truth. But he doesn’t want to accept it and still has the insatiable desire to defeat God and become god himself. And he has a plan that’s supposed to get him into that position. Yet, if you know the Bible, you know that this is not going to happen. God will not allow it, because He has other plans for the world, and nothing is going to stop Him.

These Bible verses talk about these plans, and about Gods love for us, the hope He gives, and the fact that He cannot lie about it:

  • Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  • Hebrews 6:18So these are two things that don’t change, because it’s impossible for God to lie. He did this so that we, who have taken refuge in him, can be encouraged to grasp the hope that is lying in front of us.
  • 1 John 5:20And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
  • Malachi 3:6I am the Lord, and I do not change.
  • Hebrews 13:8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
  • Revelation 21:4-5He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Image by Marion A.

God does not change. God does not lie. God is not like Satan, who claims that his servants will share in his victory and ‘become gods like him’, while in reality he is intending to kill all of them as soon as he has obtained what he wants.

While Rammstein’s lead singer Till Lindemann sings the song Deutschland, he is obviously referring to the dark side of his own country and fellow Germans (which is, as far as I’m concerned, not a reflection of ALL German people!) I cannot help but hoping that there is a second layer to these lyrics, with a message that’s almost prophetically hinting to Satan’s fate:

Thank God, it is the reality of Satan’s present and future. He has fallen, and his final end will come soon. Until that moment though, he’s trying everything to drag people into his ‘camp’, so he can form his army and accomplish his evil plans. Could my vision of those light beams piercing the sky have been a peak into that agenda? Or, on second thought, could it have been a reflection of a possible Plan B…? Maybe the enemy doesn’t have confidence anymore, in the nine major gates being enough for an attempt to storm heaven’s throne room. Perhaps he is aiming at the smaller gates now as well, wanting them as a backup for his delusional power grab. In a paradoxic way, that would be good news, and it would be a glorious sign of the ever-growing panic that’s currently raging in all departments of the Luciferian System. We all can see that things are not going the way Satan wants them to go. And his time is getting shorter by the day.

Travis Scott’s Astroworld line up poster – – Fair use for research and education.

Yet, especially geomancers, witches and light workers need to realize what is at stake, and how real the urge to abuse energy in every possible form is among those who have nefarious plans. I know that, as we speak, people are working hard, restoring disused ley lines and re-energizing power places. No matter how good these people’s intentions are, it is a dangerous thing to do. It has been proven that forces of evil (like the Nazis) have abused and still are abusing these places for their own gain, to expand their dark power and to aid Satan in his infernal plans. Even energy-harvesting festivals and music concerts are used for this purpose, and they can go horribly wrong. Think of the disaster that happened at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival (84)!

So what role is the Netherlands meant to play in this deeply worrying End Game? Since the beginning of the c0vid crisis in 2020, it has become painfully clear that it is one of the guide countries, or rather, test labs for the World Economic Forum. I wonder – why has the Netherlands really been given the name The World’s #1 Urban Power Center?

And what about the Round House? Do we exclusively need to keep our eyes on this historical site, that just cannot seem to shake the rumors about its dark past and mysterious present?

Or do we have to observe that there are many places in this world that serve similar purposes? Since my eyes were opened to it, I cannot unsee the circular themes in buildings, collonades and gardens, and the roads and walking paths that seem to form almost geoglyph-like spears or arrows, indicating that there’s ‘more’ to the location they’re pointing at. Oooh, and then I haven’t even mentioned the Australian capital, Canberra, with it striking resemblence to Washington D.C. and the Vatican, and with its designer, who has been working for the most occultic American architect you could ever think of… (85)

I guess that although this blog has come to an end, I have not nearly finished my journey of discovery about this subject. But there is one thing I can safely conclude: There is more than one Round House. There are many of them and they are all hidden in plain sight.

© Marion A. 2024

The Blessing – Der Herr segne dich

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